Home » Blog » Botox Research: Botox and Skin Elasticity
It is sometimes difficult to find high quality Botox Research Studies on the internet. This article discusses a recent Botox research article that has been getting a lot of media attention around the world.
In the past, Botox was thought to reduce wrinkles solely by stopping the muscles of your face from contracting. This is true however, past research suggested that Botox may actually be doing more than this.
Dr James Bonaparte of the University of Ottawa and Dr David Ellis of The University of Toronto then conducted a Botox research study assessing the effect of Botox on the skin of patients. In order to do this, we tested 44 women who never received Botox and treated their upper face. We then assessed the skin before and after using a special device called a “Cutometer.” The Cutometer is a device used by Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and other researchers to test the way your skin stretches and relaxes.
The results of this Botox research study demonstrated a significant increase in the elasticity of the skin. This is interesting as the results are consistent with skin that is more youthful. As we age, our skin becomes less elastic. Also, skin that is exposed to high levels of sun and UV radiation demonstrate poor skin elasticity.
Botox may work by altering cells in the skin to produce more youthful collagen and elastic, two products that can make skin more elastic and more youthful, with less wrinkles.