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Many people look in the mirror and see fine lines or wrinkles around their eyes and on their forehead. Nearly everyone will develop these lines or wrinkles at some point in their life. For those who feel the need to reduce the appearance of these fine lines and wrinkles, we are fortunate enough to live in a time where the technology exists where we can do this safely and effectively. Botox is an injectable neuromodulator that is derived from a naturally occurring bacteria. This bacteria produces botulinum toxin which is responsible for the effect on your facial muscles. Treating wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead can have a dramatic effect on a person’s appearance. Dr James P. Bonaparte is also an expert in Botox research and has finished one of the largest research studies ever conducted on the safety and effectiveness of Botox.
What is Botox?
Botox is an injectable neuromodulator that is derived from a naturally occurring bacteria. This bacteria produces botulinum toxin which is responsible for the effect on your facial muscles and wrinkles. Injection of botulinum toxin into facial muscles results in a temporary relaxation of that muscle. Once relaxed, research has demonstrated that the wrinkles fade away resulting in what people perceive as a more youthful appearance.
What Does Botulinum Toxin Do?
Dramatic results can be achieved through the use of botulinum toxin. This is why the top Plastic Surgeons and Facial Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons in Ottawa and Canada as a whole use this product more than any others with their patients. Botulinum toxin results in weakening of the facial muscles leading to a reduced ability to perform movements that increase wrinkling. If injected properly by skilled professionals it does not influence your ability to have near normal facial expressions. By reducing the motions that cause facial wrinkles, the wrinkles start to fade. In addition to the wrinkle relaxing effect, it also has the ability to lift and sculpt the eyebrows. Dr James P. Bonaparte has conducted pioneering research into Botox and has recently published articles demonstrating additional effects of Botox on the skin.
Is Botulinum Toxin Safe?
Botulinum Toxin has been used for many years for a variety of conditions. Early in its use, it was used in both children and adults with Cerebral Palsy. It is also used to treat migraines and spasms around the eyes. For over 13 years botulinum toxin has been approved in Canada for facial wrinkles. In this time, there has never been a reported death or life threatening complication of botulinum toxin according to Health Canada’s Website (as of December 2014). Dr James P. Bonaparte has recently completed the largest study ever conducted assessing the effectiveness of the three different types of botulinum toxin used for cosmetic purposes as well as an assessment of its side effects. In this study of over 10,000 patients, there were no serious side effects noted. The most common were bruising, headaches, a droopy eyelid and flu like symptoms, all of which are mild and typically reversible. If you are interested in reading research on botulinum toxin performed by Dr Bonaparte, you can click here to be directed a large study that is in progress. JB Cosmetics and Facial Surgery recommends that you discuss botulinum toxin with Dr Bonaparte and the trained staff in our clinic to ensure it is the right product for you. Book a consultation with Dr James P. Bonaparte at JB Cosmetics and Facial Surgery at the Facial Surgery and Cosmetic Centre of Ottawa to see if a treatment with botulinum toxin is right for you.
Contact Us
For more information call us at 613-521-3223 or email us at info@drbonaparte.com.