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The human eye is a beautiful piece of art in terms of both function and form. We communicate through looks. We communicate through eye contact. Artists have been fascinated with the eyes for generations. As we age, changes can occur resulting in our once lively and vibrant eyes to appear tired and fatigued.
Over time, gravity takes hold of our forehead and eyebrows and eventually, they start to move downwards. This can result in a characteristic tiredness that is associated with this problem. An eyebrow lift or a forehead lift can result in a dramatic improvement. This procedure results in an elevation of the eyebrows to a more youthful position.
What is involved in an Eyebrow or Forehead Lift?
There is a variety of methods used to perform an eyebrow lift. Dr James P. Bonaparte has received extensive training in this area and has gained considerable experience performing a wide variety of these methods. The most common method used in our clinic is an advanced and modern technique called an endoscopic eyebrow and forehead lift. This is performed using an incision in the hairline thus no marks are visible following surgery. The effect is dramatic, safe, and long-lasting.
Other methods are available for a number of problems unique to specific individuals. Please discuss any concerns with Dr James P. Bonaparte as there are many possible solutions to low eyebrows.
Is Eyebrow or Forehead Surgery Right for Me?
If you have tired eyes, low eyebrows, or prominent forehead wrinkles an eyebrow and forehead lift may be right for you.
An important consideration when considering an eyebrow or forehead surgery is whether the eyelids also need treatment. Often times both need to be addressed to achieve maximum benefit thus it is crucial you discuss your concerns with Dr James P. Bonaparte.
What should I expect for an Eyebrow and Forehead Lift?
Typically, patients require some form of sedation. Once you are asleep small incisions are made in the hairline baring skin near the top of your head. We then use high-definition endoscopic video equipment to lift and treat the muscles around the eyelid. Then, the forehead is elevated to its more youthful position.
After the surgery, you will have a bandage applied to your forehead. This helps to keep the brows elevated to the ideal position. Pain is typically minimal with this surgery and most patients have 1 week of bruising.
The majority of people are able to return to all normal activities by 2 weeks after surgery.